Upcoming events
The Encounter Gathering
Wanna go deeper in encountering God? Join us for our midweek fellowship where we seek more of God’s heart and give more of our praise. We meet every Wednesday at 7:30pm in the main Church building.
Sunday Gathering
We meet online and in person every Sunday at 10:30am. There is a creche facility on site. Join our church family in worship and the word of God. Services are also broadcast live on Facebook and YouTube. Everyone is welcome and there is free car parking on site.
Alpha is a series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment. Everyone’s welcome. No matter your background or beliefs, you’re invited.
Next Launching: 23 Feb 2025 -
Connect Groups
Currently running on the first Wednesday of each month, Connect groups offer friendship and fellowship in a home setting. It’s too late to join so if you would like to attend one, please get in touch.
The Faith Kids Sunday school meets up in the youth hall during our Sunday morning gathering. It is for children of primary school age and is held in a safe and comfortable environment. Sunday School is great fun. Children get to listen and learn about the bible stories of Jesus, sing songs and have lots of fun playing games and making crafts.
Evergreens Lunch club
If you're 60 and over, this social lunch is for you!
Mark your calendars—it’s happening every second Monday of the month at 12.15pm (first lunch 11.11.24)
3c youth
3C Youth is for 11-18 year olds who want to encounter youth orientated fellowship and social gatherings. Expect fun and games, biblical teaching and praise and worship. Every Friday evening at 7pm in the main church building.
Mens Ministry
For men of all ages and backgrounds! We socialise, eat food, study the Word, head out and usually eat food again! It’s a great opportunity to get to know others, to join arms together and have a bit of fun along the way.
Womens Fellowship
For women of all ages, background or stage of life. We meet once a month, on a Sunday with varied events each time. There are also other events organised throughout the year which provides great opportunities to connect with other women and form deeper friendships.
Healing Rooms
If you are sick and in need of prayer, we want to pray for you. Our team is ready to welcome you. Sessions are free and no appointment necessary. Healing Rooms is run every Thursday night between 7:45-9pm in the main Church building. Telephone Prayer and prayer cloths are also available upon request.